"This is remarkable theatre: intense, shocking, and thoroughly absorbing."- A YOUNGER THEATRE



★★★★ "Everything about the show was just right


★★★  "How We Think We Think is ... a thought-provoking piece with an ending that’s open to interpretation, allowing the audience to come to their own conclusions


★★★ - "Blurring the division between reality and theatre, truth and fiction"



Closer, performed @ the British Medical Association, November the 25th 2015

"A real pleasure to witness your wonderful creation. It was incredibly moving, nuanced and thought provoking. Thank you so much." 

- Dr Thomas Das (Mental Health GP Lead, Camden CCG)

Drivers Seat, @ Camden People's Theatre, 6th of May 2015

“I’d love to see this performance again – perhaps targeting our healthcare staff in Camden.”
“So very real, you hit the nail on the head.”
“The performance would be excellent for training awareness as well as a starting point for feed back and conversation. Well done”
“V. difficult to do so amazingly well done. Courageous effort but V. sensitive”
“This was a very emotional, informative eye opener and brilliant experience. Thank you and well done”
“Excellent performance, very realistic. I think the production should be seen by more people to help raise awareness on the issues.”
“The play should be presented to general practice and other service providers."

Audiences marked from 1-10 (10 being totally agree, 1 being disagree) to what extent they agreed with the following statements after watching the 6th May Camden People's Theatre Production of "Drivers Seat"

“I feel that Heart to Heart Theatre portrayed their characters sensitively and empathetically.”

69% rated 10/10


“I feel that Heart to Heart’s portrayal of the characters and the experiences they went through was artistically strong.”

100% rated 8/10 and above


“I feel that Heart to Heart’s portrayal of the characters and the experiences they went through would be useful for people involved in my care to see for training and awareness purposes.”

88% 8/10 and above

“I was entertained by Heart to Heart Theatre’s performance of Driver’s Seat

62% rated 10/10